Water News

Alberta Water News is a free, subscription-based service that provides the latest information on water news across Alberta and upcoming events.

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Lack of snow shuts down Haig Glacier training in Alberta for the first time in program history

PUBLISHED: 11 August 2023      Last Edited: 11 August 2023

CBC News

Reliable access to summer snow, groomed trails, simple alpine huts to rest your head after a long slosh on skis — all perched atop a mountain in Alberta’s Peter Lougheed Provincial Park near Haig Glacier. The Beckie Scott High-Performance Training Centre has given athletes an edge for decades. A chance for bonding, conditioning in high altitudes and off-season practice, but not this year. Click here to continue reading

Compare and Contrast: Water wars: meet the guardians of one of Europe’s most vital wetlands

PUBLISHED: 11 August 2023      Last Edited: 11 August 2023

The Guardian

In the heart of Spain’s Doñana national park, a battle is being waged to safeguard one of the most important wetlands in Europe. Doñana, with its impressive landscapes and extraordinary biodiversity, hosts an estimated 6 million migratory birds every year. But its fate hangs in the balance. Click here to continue reading

Risk management options are available for drought relief

PUBLISHED: 11 August 2023      Last Edited: 11 August 2023

The Western Producer

At the end of June 2023, 83 percent of the prairie region was classified as abnormally dry or in moderate drought, including 90 percent of the region’s agricultural landscape. With no end in sight to higher-than-normal temperatures, farmers and ranchers are encouraged to look into risk management options. Click here to continue reading

Feed tests especially important during drought

PUBLISHED: 11 August 2023      Last Edited: 11 August 2023

The Western Producer

Several areas in Western Canada are suffering from drought again this year. Drought creates many difficulties for ranchers, who must struggle with the immediate and long-term problems that can arise from not having enough forage for their cattle. Click here to continue reading

Growing more crop per drop

PUBLISHED: 11 August 2023      Last Edited: 11 August 2023

The Western Producer

As irrigation water allocations become more scarce, irrigation farmers battle each other and government regulators for water rights. Some parties have expressed concern about the long-term sustainability of irrigation farming. Click here to continue reading

Province confirms poor water quality in Washington state river is coming from B.C.

PUBLISHED: 10 August 2023      Last Edited: 10 August 2023

CBC News

The province has confirmed water of poor quality flowing through the Nooksack River in Washington state is coming from multiple sources in B.C. This comes a month after Washington farmers and officials called upon B.C. to investigate and address high levels of fecal bacteria coming from the Canadian side of the border. Click here to continue reading

Compare and Contrast: Sydney’s drinking water quality under threat from climate crisis, report finds

PUBLISHED: 10 August 2023      Last Edited: 10 August 2023

The Guardian

Sydney’s drinking water is unlikely to remain healthy unless the effects of the climate crisis are mitigated, according to a report handed to the New South Wales government. Click here to continue reading

Fears over Antarctic sea ice as yearly ozone layer hole forms ‘very early’

PUBLISHED: 10 August 2023      Last Edited: 10 August 2023

The Guardian

The hole in the ozone layer has begun to form early this year, prompting warnings that a larger-than-average hole may further warm the Southern Ocean while the level of Antarctic sea ice is at a record low. Satellite data from the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts suggests the hole has already begun to form over Antarctica. Click here to continue reading

Touring water infrastructure south of the border

PUBLISHED: 10 August 2023      Last Edited: 10 August 2023

Government of Alberta

Representatives from several southern Alberta communities will also attend the tour. The trip will include a visit to the St. Mary Canal and the repaired Drop 5 infrastructure, which helps divert water from the St. Mary River to the Milk River. During the tour, attendees will have the opportunity to discuss water security in the region and new areas for collaboration. Click here to continue reading

Compare and Contrast: Public could receive hundreds of millions as water firms face sewage lawsuit

PUBLISHED: 10 August 2023      Last Edited: 10 August 2023

The Guardian

The public could receive hundreds of millions of pounds in compensation in the first class action against water companies which are alleged to have failed to reveal the true scale of raw sewage discharges, and abused their position as privatised monopolies. Click here to continue reading

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