Water News

Alberta Water News is a free, subscription-based service that provides the latest information on water news across Alberta and upcoming events.

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Some fish species are shrinking, scientists say, probably due to global heating

PUBLISHED: 08 September 2023      Last Edited: 08 September 2023

The Guardian

A global analysis of thousands of animal and plant sizes has found that species are shrinking, an effect most clearly found by researchers in changes to the body size of fish, which are getting smaller. Species such as the thorny skate, a north Atlantic fish that can grow up to a metre in length, have become smaller, while smaller-bodied species such as mackerel are growing in abundance, according to the researchers, changing the composition and functioning of ecosystems. Click here to continue reading

Alta. irrigators watch river levels

PUBLISHED: 08 September 2023      Last Edited: 08 September 2023

The Western Producer

Late August rains in parts of southern Alberta are providing relief but river levels remain far below historical averages. That has caused irrigation districts to post early shut-off notices. Flow rates for the Oldman and Bow rivers, which converge to form the South Saskatchewan just upstream from Medicine Hat, have been stifled all season as a sudden spring heat wave saw mountain headwaters melt quickly while precipitation remained elusive all season. Click here to continue reading

Calgary marks completion of downtown flood barrier

PUBLISHED: 08 September 2023      Last Edited: 08 September 2023

Global News

Ten years after flooding devastated the city, Calgary’s downtown and Eau Claire neighbourhoods have more protection now that the flood wall is complete. The downtown flood barrier runs 1.39 kilometres long along the south bank of the Bow River, and consists of steel sheet piles, earthen berms, concrete walls and stop log openings designed to resist a one-in-200-year flood event. Click here to continue reading

Compare and Contrast: Intense rainfall drenches Hong Kong, causes widespread flooding

PUBLISHED: 08 September 2023      Last Edited: 08 September 2023

CBC News

Torrential rain deluged Hong Kong on Friday leading to widespread flooding across the densely packed city, submerging streets, shopping malls and metro stations, as authorities shut schools and asked workers to stay at home. Click here to continue reading

Bursting air bubbles may play a key role in how glacier ice melts

PUBLISHED: 08 September 2023      Last Edited: 08 September 2023

Science Daily

New research has uncovered a possible clue as to why glaciers that terminate at the sea are retreating at unprecedented rates: the bursting of tiny, pressurized bubbles in underwater ice. Click here to continue reading

Weather tracker: Omega block brings torrential rain to Greece and Spain

PUBLISHED: 08 September 2023      Last Edited: 08 September 2023

The Guardian

An Omega block has been in place over Europe this week, leading to some extreme weather for many. An Omega block is a synoptic setup consisting of a high-pressure region sandwiched between two low-pressure regions, creating a shape resembling the Greek letter omega. Click here to continue reading

Stantec chosen to design next phase of Toronto’s Basement Flooding Protection Program

PUBLISHED: 08 September 2023      Last Edited: 08 September 2023

Water Canada

The City of Toronto has selected Stantec, a global leader in sustainable design and engineering, to provide engineering services for Phase 5 of the City’s Basement Flooding Protection Program (BFPP). This multiyear program, which began in 2006, helps reduce the risk of flooding through improvements to the sewer system and overland drainage routes, which can face increased pressure with heavy rainfalls. Click here to continue reading

Multidisciplinary initiative to track influenza, other viruses in wastewater

PUBLISHED: 08 September 2023      Last Edited: 08 September 2023

Water Canada

Recognizing Western’s excellence in developing robust systems to track and fight global health threats, the government of Ontario has renewed and expanded the university’s wastewater surveillance project to track COVID-19, influenza and other emerging viruses until March 2024. The expansion is part of an additional boost of $18.7 million in provincial funding for Ontario’s COVID-19 Wastewater Surveillance initiative. Click here to continue reading

Rubber plumbing seals can leak additives into drinking water

PUBLISHED: 07 September 2023      Last Edited: 07 September 2023

Science Daily

As drinking water flows through pipes and into a glass, it runs against the rubber seals inside some plumbing devices. These parts contain additives that contribute to their flexibility and durability, but these potentially harmful compounds can leak into drinking water, according to a small-scale study. The authors report that the released compounds, which are typically linked to tire pollution, also transformed into other unwanted byproducts. Click here to continue reading

Researchers develop highly efficient and stable photoelectrode for water splitting using organic semiconductors

PUBLISHED: 07 September 2023      Last Edited: 07 September 2023

Science Daily

The production of green hydrogen using solar energy involves splitting water into its constituent elements through charges generated in semiconductors that absorb sunlight. Previous studies primarily focused on utilizing inorganic semiconductors for constructing photoelectrodes. However, organic semiconductors offer several advantages such as lower costs, various process methods, and easier large-scale production. Click here to continue reading

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